Round 2 – Day 2

Yeah, I made it through the first day!  That was my first thought when I woke up this morning, followed quickly by cravings for my breakfast shake!  :)

I headed out to the grocery store today to fill the refrigerator and pantry with lots of healthy options!  It really does help me to have nutritious food easily accessible.  I bought lots of veggies, chicken, ground turkey, eggs, quinoa, hummus…yum, doesn’t that all sound delicious!?  My hope is to start again with prepping my meals at the beginning of the week.  I remember this made dinner time a lot smoother, since I only need to grab a prepared dish and heat it up.  I think that will be my goal for next week!   Right now, I’m just trying to focus on getting through the initial days and ignore the temptations.   I’m really wishing today was day 22 instead of only day 2…but one day at a time!

I had another turkey burger for dinner, but I made steamed asparagus with fresh lemon juice along with a salad.  I use steamer bags that go in the microwave to make the asparagus.   Just put about 10 asparagus spears in the bag, along with a little lemon juice, and heat it up for about 2 minutes.  That’s it, so easy and so delicious!

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