Day 12

Oh my gosh!!!  I lost a total EIGHT and a HALF pounds and 14 inches!!!  WHAT!?!?  I am definitely beyond happy with these results!!!  I’m ecstatic actually!!  I had to check and recheck each of my measurements and weighed myself three times!  UNBELIEVABLE!!  I feel like I need to say this again, regardless of these numbers…I FEEL AMAZING!!  I feel like I’m finally out of my rut, and I’m enjoying life with so much energy!!

I have been hemming and hawing about whether or not to include a before and after photo to share the results.  I know that personally, if I was reading about someone else’s experience I would definitely want to see some actual evidence with my own eyes.   I’m a skeptic…so, I’m sure many others are as well!  So, here it is…the photo taken the morning of Day 1 alongside the photo of me from this morning!   AGHH, I couldn’t leave it up…I got too nervous!   So sorry!  :)   If you really want to see it, send me an email…I’ll be sure to send it over to you.

Day 11

Cleanse Day Round 2 – Day 2

Whoooohoooo!  Today was actually the easiest of the cleanse days…I even went for a walk AND stopped in the mall for a bit to do a little shopping.  That definitely wasn’t something I could have done during the first deep cleanse.  The energy I have is amazing!!

All I can think about right now is the fact that I get to jump on the scale in the morning and take my measurements.  Even still, I’m trying to rationalize in my head that regardless of weight loss and size…I FEEL AMAZING!!…and that is what truly matters the most!  I’m no longer looking to shove every morsel of food into my mouth, no longer thinking about what snacks I can consume, and no longer so preoccupied with food that I can’t focus on anything else.  Don’t get me wrong, the weight does need to come off too, and I definitely need to eventually learn to feel comfortable in my own skin…but I can already tell that I’m on my way!  :)

Day 10

Cleanse Day Round 2 – Day 1

As if today wasn’t already set out to be a difficult day…I started my morning with my PERIOD!!   And of course the isAgenix program advocates on not taking Advil!  I can’t even begin to explain how long it has been since I didn’t take any sort of pain reliever to get through the day.  I’ve experienced Continue reading

Day 9

The days are definitely getting easier, and I’m still loving the program!   I am almost done with my 9 day system.   The isAgenix 9 day program is actually a total of 11 days.  They give you enough product to actually start with two shake days prior to the first cleanse.  The two “pre-cleanse” days help to get your body ready and prepared for the actual 9 day program.   So, what that means is that I have TWO days left…both of which are cleanse days!   I can definitely say I’m counting down the days to get back on the scale and re-take my measurements!

For dinner, I tried another new carb option…LENTILS!   They were…interesting.  :)  I can’t say I will learn to love these, but it was still a nice added change to the menu.

chicken and lentils

chicken and lentils

Day 8

YUM…I added more water (12 oz.) to my chocolate shake this morning and it definitely helped!   It’s strange, the more I have the shakes the more I seem to crave them!!  :)

For dinner tonight I picked up fresh shrimp from the local supermarket (Wegman’s) and cooked it on the stove with lemon juice and chives!   I made brown rice and added zucchini, radishes and cabbage to my salad.   I must say, I am fully enjoying my dinner selections!  In the past, Continue reading

Day 7

It’s FRIDAY…And I got to try my very first CHOCOLATE shake for breakfast!!  Everyone on the isAgenix Facebook pages had been saying how it’s their favorite flavor, so I was very anxious to see what all the hype was about…and it’s THICK!!  I was right, I’m definitely a chocolate snob, but I still don’t hate it.   It was very similar to chocolate pudding…which I’m sure many people love!  I think next time Continue reading

Day 6

Can I just say that I am truly LOVING this program!?!  I feel GREAT, have LOTS of energy, and truly enjoy waking up and starting my day…yeah, it’s pretty GREAT!!

I received my 30 day shipment in the mail today!  I’m not sure if I mentioned but yes, once I made it through that first day I knew this was a program that I was going to continue.  I can’t wait to try the chocolate isaSnacks!, the chocolate shakes, the orange Want More Energy stick, and the list goes on!   :)  I went a little crazy with the add-ons when I placed the order but what can I say, I’m EXCITED!!

isAgenix Delivery

isAgenix delivery – 30 day program with a few add-ons – isaCrunch, Want More Energy sticks, and tomato soup

Day 5

It’s the morning, and I made it through the night…which means I completed the deep cleanse!   WHOOOOHOOOO!

I almost didn’t think I would make it around 2am when I still couldn’t fall asleep and all I felt was the churning in my stomach.  The sound echoed in my head over and over again until I finally fell asleep.  It was definitely a bit rough, but I did it!!   And actually, there is absolutely no way I can even begin to complain about it because when I stepped on the scale… Continue reading

Day 4

Cleanse Day Number 2 – I went into the office today and honestly, I thought it would be easier since I would be staying busy…BUT instead I found myself getting hungry and wishing I could just eat something, anything!  I have already started day dreaming about what I’m going to have for dinner tomorrow night.  Oh, it’s going to taste so good!!

I was still freezing today and wore extra layers to keep warm!  And I did experience the “niacin flush” again, but luckily it was at the end of the day so didn’t need to explain anything to my co-workers!  :)

niacin flush

niacin flush

Day 3

Cleanse Day Number 1  -  AGHHH!!   At least that’s how I felt the night before and probably still this morning!  It definitely wasn’t easy but it wasn’t too difficult either.

cleanse for life

cleanse for life

The Cleanse for Life drink started off my day.  I poured out 4 oz. from my single server bottles and noticed it almost looked like soda in the glass.  It’s pretty dark compared to what I pictured in my head, and it smelled like a cross between fruit punch and cough syrup.  For those that don’t know me, I HATE fruit punch!  Continue reading