Day 50

A couple of weeks ago I mentioned how I truly believed the “magic liquid” gave me the nerve to both schedule and attend multiple appointments with the dentist.  One thing the “magic liquid” doesn’t do is eliminate any pain that results from each visit!  I had a dentist appointment Thursday that resulted in me feeling absolutely miserable. :( I’m not exactly sure what happened, but somehow air got trapped in the layers of my cheek causing it to swell so big I could barely close my mouth the first day.  Sounds pretty, right?  I literally looked like I was trying to store nuts for the winter!!

I started taking pain medication and also an antibiotic…both of which I hadn’t taken since starting isAgenix.  I thought subjecting myself to the sweet wonderfulness of cookies and icing was torture, but this cocktail of drugs mixed with a FAT FACE is truly testing me!!   In fact, it tested me so much, that I actually caved!  AGHHH!   I know, I did it…admitting it is half the battle, right?  I tried to cheat in a good way…although, I’m not sure that really matters…by having a non-dairy ice cream made with coconut and almond milk.   I must say, it was absolutely DELICIOUS, and I will not be buying it for a long while since it seems to quickly disappear upon entering the house!

fat face cheating

fat face cheating

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